Why Karitane staff turn to L’il Fraser swaddle wraps for teaching swaddling techniques
August 22 2016

August 22 2016
The name “Karitane” may not immediately ring bells for every mother, but for thousands of families Karitane has been the difference between an enjoyable experience with their new baby or dysfunction/tearing their hair out. This wonderful parenting support service has changed a lot since it first began in 1923 as The Australian Mothercraft Society. For example, Karitane is currently concentrating efforts on a Back to Work programme, reflecting the changing role of women and mothers in society. L’il Fraser Collection swaddle wraps is proud to enjoy a unique presence within Karitane as the only product officially endorsed by this organisation. Karitane’s sleep and settling services are keenly sought by new parents, and Karitane staff turn to L’il Fraser swaddle wraps for teaching swaddling techniques to help settle babies. Swaddling is made easier with a generously-sized swaddle wrap, in breathable 100% cotton. L’il Fraser’s special knit and sizing makes wrapping easier, with no need for limiting Velcro or zip features. L’il Fraser swaddle wraps are also recommended as Hip Healthy by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute (see www.hipdysplasia.org) because they free baby’s legs to move about. Karitane emphasises that for safety, parents should always wrap so that baby’s legs “have room to move as it helps prevent hip problems”. Settling baby to sleep can be a challenge, but shouldn’t be a chore. Karitane suggests you begin with its Crying Baby Checklist, which can help pinpoint reasons baby might be unsettled. As well, it offers up a wonderful chart to help with expectations. Settling baby is not about setting and forgetting. For at least six months your baby may prefer to be settled in your arms, through hands-on settling or in their pram. Wrapping a baby in a L’il Fraser cotton swaddle may soothe your baby more easily than using other techniques. Karitane staff use L’il Fraser swaddle wraps when demonstrating proven techniques for settling babies. http://karitane.com.au/mybabyandme/sleeping-settling/wrap-4-6-m/ You can purchase L’il Fraser swaddle wraps at the Karitane online shop, or here at www.lilfrasercollection.com.au For more information about settling your baby or coping with crying or other behaviours that make you feel anxious or upset, try the Karitane My Baby and Me site for parenting tips and advice. http://karitane.com.au/mybabyandme/
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