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Why an unstructured swaddle wrap could be more useful than a sleeping bag
February 5 2018
I remember when a midwife first showed me how to wrap my baby, I never thought I'd master it. Th...

L'il Fraser Collection at Life InStyle Sydney
February 8 2017
Life InStyle is Australia's boutique trade event showcasing emerging trends, brands and products...

Why Karitane staff turn to L’il Fraser swaddle wraps for teaching swaddling techniques
August 22 2016
The name “Karitane” may not immediately ring bells for every mother, but for thousands of familie...

Paediatric study shows safe sleep position for babies is not happening in practice
August 15 2016
The American Academy of Pediatrics has released a report featured on USA Today with the alarming ...
L'il Fraser Swaddle Wraps are Hip-Healthy
June 16 2016
The International Hip Dysplasia Institiute (IHDI) recognises that L’il Fraser Collection has deve...
Top Baby Sleep Tips
May 13 2016
Natalie Herman is a Certified Baby Sleep Consultant. Natalie is a member of the American Academy ...

L’il Fraser Supports Academic Studies into Healthy Hip Development
May 4 2016
There has been much media coverage recently of a South Australian study https://www.mja.com....

Swaddling "Houdini" or wriggly babies
March 22 2016
Swaddling or wrapping a wriggly baby to help him or her sleep is tricky, for sure, but it's worth...
Welcome to L'il Fraser Collection!
March 1 2016
Hello, I’m Kate McIntosh, founder of L’il Fraser Collection. This story begins with the birth of ...